Wonderous wyrds and poetic ramblings of a Galactic Rebel
Klaatu Barada Nikto
K l a a t u B a r a d a N i k t o
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
I am returning home from Burningman - this year was the 25th Anniversary and the theme was "Rites of Passage." I'll be posting pictures and video from this years Burn soon - It Was Epic - cYrStal StaR*
Hello Stephanie!! My name is Malakai and I had the pleasure of listening to your short lecture on the Mayan Calendar at Playa school at Burning man! I felt very connected with what you and Patrick had to share. I have many questions and ideas and feel compelled to discuss some of these ideas further! I am very appreciative of your hard work and research in this area. Could you E-mail me? smillerproductions@gmail.com :)
Hello Stephanie!! My name is Malakai and I had the pleasure of listening to your short lecture on the Mayan Calendar at Playa school at Burning man! I felt very connected with what you and Patrick had to share. I have many questions and ideas and feel compelled to discuss some of these ideas further! I am very appreciative of your hard work and research in this area. Could you E-mail me? smillerproductions@gmail.com :)