Wonderous wyrds and poetic ramblings of a Galactic Rebel
Klaatu Barada Nikto
K l a a t u B a r a d a N i k t o
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
"The dragon represents Transcendental Consciousness. The word 'dragon' in Greek is drakon (drakon); as in edrakon (edrakon), an aorist of derkesthai (derkesthai), which means 'to see clearly.' A dragon was one who saw clearly, and clarity of vision engendered and was always classically associated with wisdom, which itself produced power. Today we say that knowledge is power, so nothing has changed in that respect, except that it is actually wisdom - the ability to predict or intuit and synthesize knowledge - a prerequisite of druidic or fairy neurophysiology, that actually affords the greatest power of all." -- Iona Miller
David Icke - "It's Like A Canvas of Consciousness"
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